Surgery on JOOQ generated POJO
Introduction to the POJO and the Strategy of the Surgery
We have set jooq
to generate pojo
file with withJpaAnnotation
A typical example of a JOOQ generated pojo
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") @Entity @Table( name = "Order", schema = "public", indexes = [ Index(name = "Order_id_userEmail_idx", columnList = "id ASC, userEmail ASC") ] ) data class Order( @get:Id @get:Column(name = "id") var id: UUID? = null, @get:Column(name = "error") var error: String? = null, @get:Column(name = "status") var status: Status? = null, @get:Column(name = "succeededAt") var succeededat: Double? = null, @get:Column(name = "failedAt") var failedat: Double? = null, @get:Column(name = "userEmail", nullable = false) var useremail: String, @get:Column(name = "orderType") var ordertype: Ordertype? = null, @get:Column(name = "createdAt") var createdat: Double? = null, @get:Column(name = "createdAtHK") var createdathk: String? = null ): Serializable { ... }
What we will be automating:
- Get rid of all kotlin-specific
's which cause error by experiment - Rename
- Detect all
type, for each declaration ofenum
we add
this is to enable@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class)
to correctly convert kotlin'senum
into postgres'enum
assmall int
by default) - For every
id: UUID? = null
we add
since we have custom generation method for@GeneratedValue(generator = "ulid_as_uuid")
. - Remove index part in
as indexing has been done in db-first step and@Table
must be bundled with@Entity
- Remove
- Get rid of everything inside
{ ... }
since no method declaration is needed
Sample Result After Surgery
import com.billie.db.enums.Ordertype import com.billie.db.enums.Status import org.hibernate.annotations.DynamicInsert import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType import org.hibernate.annotations.JdbcType import jakarta.persistence.Column import jakarta.persistence.Entity import jakarta.persistence.Enumerated import jakarta.persistence.EnumType import jakarta.persistence.Id import jakarta.persistence.Table import java.util.UUID @Entity @DynamicInsert @Table( name = "Order", schema = "public" ) class OrderEntity_( @Id @Column(name = "id") var id: UUID? = null, @Column(name = "error") var error: String? = null, @Column(name = "status") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var status: Status? = null, @Column(name = "succeededAt") var succeededat: Double? = null, @Column(name = "failedAt") var failedat: Double? = null, @Column(name = "userEmail", nullable = false) var useremail: String, @Column(name = "orderType") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var ordertype: Ordertype? = null, @Column(name = "createdAt") var createdat: Double? = null, @Column(name = "createdAtHK") var createdathk: String? = null )
Execution of the Surgery via Customized Gradle Task in build.gradle.kts
The Original Configuration of JOOQ Generation Task
tasks.create("generate") { val pojoDir = File("$projectDir/src/main/kotlin/com/billie/db/tables/pojos") val preEntityDir = File("$projectDir/src/main/kotlin/com/billie/db/tables/preentities") if (pojoDir.exists()) { pojoDir.deleteRecursively() } if (preEntityDir.exists()) { preEntityDir.deleteRecursively() } GenerationTool.generate( Configuration() .withJdbc( Jdbc() .withDriver("org.postgresql.Driver") .withUrl("xxx") .withUser("james.lee") .withPassword("xxx") ) .withGenerator( Generator() .withName("org.jooq.codegen.KotlinGenerator") .withDatabase( Database() .withInputSchema("public") .withExcludes("pgp_armor_headers") ) .withGenerate( Generate() .withPojos(true) .withDaos(true) .withSpringAnnotations(true) .withJpaAnnotations(true) .withKotlinNotNullPojoAttributes(true) .withKotlinDefaultedNullablePojoAttributes(true) ) .withTarget( Target() .withPackageName("$srcPackage.db") .withDirectory("$projectDir/src/main/kotlin") ) ) ) adjustJooqFilesForJPA(pojoDir = pojoDir, preEntityDir = preEntityDir) }
The adjustJooqFilesForJPA
Copy the pojos to another folder
Modify every file in that new folder
The Extra Amendment Step: adjustJooqFilesForJPA
Here we copy all
. -
We then do the text manipulation in
to simplify the jooq's@Entity
classes -
We later copy the whole definition by creating our
We can define our custom
behaviour (aggregates) and -
custom domain behaviours.
fun getEnumList(): Sequence<String> { val enumDir = File("$projectDir/src/main/kotlin/com/billie/db/enums") val enumNameList = enumDir.walkTopDown() .filter { it.isFile && it.extension == "kt" } .map { file ->".kt", "") } return enumNameList } fun adjustJooqFilesForJPA(pojoDir: File, preEntityDir: File) { if (pojoDir.exists()) { val enumNameList = getEnumList() preEntityDir.deleteRecursively() pojoDir.copyRecursively(preEntityDir) preEntityDir.walkTopDown().filter { it.isFile && it.extension == "kt" }.forEach { file -> val content = file.readText() val modifiedContent = content .replace("package com.billie.db.tables.pojos", "package com.billie.db.tables.preentities") .replace(Regex("^(data )?class ", RegexOption.MULTILINE), "open class ") .replace(Regex("""open class (\w+)\("""), """class $1Entity_\(""") .replace(Regex("""(@get:.+\n\s*)var""", RegexOption.MULTILINE), "$1 var") .replace("import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue", "") .replace("import jakarta.persistence.GenerationType", "") .replace(Regex("""indexes\s+=.*?\]""", RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL), "") .replace(Regex("""import jakarta.persistence.Entity""".trimIndent()), """ import jakarta.persistence.Entity import jakarta.persistence.MappedSuperclass import jakarta.persistence.Enumerated import jakarta.persistence.EnumType import jakarta.persistence.Convert import jakarta.persistence.GeneratedValue import jakarta.persistence.GenerationType import org.hibernate.annotations.DynamicInsert import org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType import org.hibernate.annotations.JdbcType """.trimIndent().trimMargin()) .replace(Regex(""": Serializable""", RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL), "") .replace(Regex("""@get:""", RegexOption.MULTILINE), "@") .replace(Regex("""@Column\(name = "id"\).*?open var id: UUID\? = null""", RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL), """ |@Column(name = "id") | @GeneratedValue(generator = "ulid_as_uuid") | var id: UUID? = null """.trimMargin() ) .replace("@Entity", """ @Entity @DynamicInsert """.trimIndent()) .replace("@Generate()", "") .replace("var id: Int? = null", """ @Generate() | var id: Int? = null """.trimIndent().trimMargin()) .replace(Regex("""\{.*\}""", RegexOption.DOT_MATCHES_ALL), "") .split("\n") .map { line -> val isEnumDeclared = enumNameList.any { cls -> val enumFound = line.indexOf(": $cls") > -1 enumFound } if (isEnumDeclared) { """ | <<enum_annotations>> $line """.trimIndent().trimMargin() } else { line } }.joinToString("\n") .replace("<<enum_annotations>>", "@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)\n @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class)") if (content != modifiedContent) { file.writeText(modifiedContent) val newFilepath = "${file.parent}/${file.nameWithoutExtension}Entity_.kt" file.renameTo(File(newFilepath)) } } } else { println("Source POJO folder does not exist") } }
How to Create AbstractAggregateRoot?
OrderEntity extending AbstractAggregateRoot<OrderEntity>
Let's consider the following Order aggregate:
Now we copy the definition of simplified @Entity classes and create a domain object:
@Entity @DynamicInsert @Table(name = "Order", schema = "public") class OrderEntity( @Id @Column(name = "id") @GeneratedValue(generator = "ulid_as_uuid") var id: UUID? = null, @Column(name = "error") var error: String? = null, @Column(name = "status") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var status: Status? = null, @Column(name = "succeededAt") var succeededat: Double? = null, @Column(name = "failedAt") var failedat: Double? = null, @Column(name = "userEmail", nullable = false) var useremail: String, @Column(name = "orderType") @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var ordertype: Ordertype? = null, @Column(name = "createdAt") var createdat: Double? = null, @Column(name = "createdAtHK") var createdathk: String? = null, ) : AbstractAggregateRoot<OrderEntity>() { @OneToOne(mappedBy = "orderEntity", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST]) @JsonManagedReference var orderStripe: OrderStripeEntity? = null @OneToOne(mappedBy = "orderEntity", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = [CascadeType.PERSIST]) @JsonManagedReference var orderMobile: OrderMobileEntity? = null fun updateStripeOrder(stripeOrder: OrderStripe) { registerEvent(StripeOrderUpdatedEvent(stripeOrder)) } fun updateOrderDetailSubscriptionId(subscriptionId: String) { registerEvent(SubscriptionCreatedEvent(orderId =!!, subscriptionId = subscriptionId)) } fun updateOrderSucceededInfo() { this.status = Status.SUCCEEDED this.succeededat = DateTime().millis.toDouble() registerEvent( OrderSucceededEvent(orderId =!!, succeededAt = this.succeededat!!) ) } fun createCheckoutSession( customerStripeId: String, productName: String, numOfPersons: Int, targetPriceId: String, ) { val orderId =!! registerEvent(CreateStripeSessionCommand(orderId, customerStripeId, productName, numOfPersons, targetPriceId)) } fun appleOrderSucceeded() { val orderId =!! registerEvent(AppleOrderSucceededEvent(orderId)) } }
OrderMobileEntity (Anemic Model)
@Entity @DynamicInsert @Table(name = "Order_Mobile", schema = "public") class OrderMobileEntity( @Id @Column(name = "id") var id: UUID? = null, @Column(name = "orderId", nullable = false) var orderid: UUID, @Column(name = "period", nullable = false) @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var period: Period, @Column(name = "platform", nullable = false) @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var platform: Platform, @Column(name = "originalAppUserId", nullable = false) var originalappuserid: String, @Column(name = "userEmail", nullable = false) var useremail: String, ) { @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "orderId", referencedColumnName = "id", insertable = false, updatable = false) @JsonBackReference var orderEntity: OrderEntity? = null }
OrderStripeEntity (Anemic Model)
@Entity @DynamicInsert @Table(name = "Order_Stripe", schema = "public") class OrderStripeEntity( @Id @Column(name = "id") var id: UUID? = null, @Column(name = "stripeSessionId") var stripesessionid: String? = null, @Column(name = "actionType", nullable = false) @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING) @JdbcType(PostgreSQLEnumJdbcType::class) var actiontype: Actiontype, @Column(name = "numOfPersons", nullable = false) var numofpersons: Int, @Column(name = "subscriptionId") var subscriptionid: String? = null, @Column(name = "actionTargetSeatId") var actiontargetseatid: Int? = null, @Column(name = "quota_SeatId") var quotaSeatid: Int? = null, @Column(name = "orderId", nullable = false) var orderid: UUID, ) { @OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "orderId", referencedColumnName = "id", insertable = false, updatable = false) @JsonBackReference private val orderEntity: OrderEntity? = null }
Finally, Avoid Back Reference that Causes Infinite Loop in Data Serialization
In short
- inside of aggregate root we annotate subaggregate/subdomain object by
. - inside of subdomain object we add
to the backward reference.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonManagedReference import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonBackReference class Parent { @OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent") @JsonManagedReference val children: List<Child> = mutableListOf() } class Child { @ManyToOne // so is @OneToOne @JsonBackReference lateinit var parent: Parent }
The naming convention of findByXXX
For a complete of convention please visit the
- official documentation.
We just discuss the most common one:
Let's look at our entity class:
@Entity @DynamicInsert @Table(name = "Quota_FreeQuotaRecord", schema = "public") class QuotaFreeEntity( @Id @Column(name = "id") @Generate() var id: Int? = null, @Column(name = "userEmail", nullable = false) var useremail: String, @Column(name = "audioUsed", nullable = false) var audioused: Double, @Column(name = "summaryUsed", nullable = false) var summaryused: Int, ) : AbstractAggregateRoot<QuotaFreeEntity>() { fun notifyFreeQuotaCreated() { val event = FreeQuotaCreatedEvent(this.useremail) registerEvent(event) } fun increaseSummaryCount() { this.summaryused = (this.summaryused ?: 0) + 1 registerEvent(FreeQuotaSummaryCountedEvent(!!)) } }
Note that our member name is useremail
, we capitalize the first letter to get:
@Repository interface FreeQuotaJpaRepository : JpaRepository<QuotaFreeEntity, Int> { fun findByUseremail(email: String): QuotaFreeEntity? }
the custom repository method depends on the member name of our entity class but not on the actual column name.
When Tables and Columns are not Named in Snake Case
Since we use camel case in table and column name instead of lower-letter snake case which jpa
recognizes by default, in every query we have to enclose every single occurence of table and column name by two double quote "
We archive this by setting custom naming strategy for jpa
package com.billie.payment.config.jooq import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategy import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment class QuotedIdentifiersNamingStrategy : PhysicalNamingStrategy { override fun toPhysicalCatalogName(name: Identifier?, context: JdbcEnvironment?): Identifier? { return name?.let { addQuotes(it) } } override fun toPhysicalSchemaName(name: Identifier?, context: JdbcEnvironment?): Identifier? { return name?.let { addQuotes(it) } } override fun toPhysicalTableName(name: Identifier?, context: JdbcEnvironment?): Identifier? { return name?.let { addQuotes(it) } } override fun toPhysicalSequenceName(name: Identifier?, context: JdbcEnvironment?): Identifier? { return name?.let { addQuotes(it) } } override fun toPhysicalColumnName(name: Identifier?, context: JdbcEnvironment?): Identifier? { return name?.let { addQuotes(it) } } private fun addQuotes(id: Identifier): Identifier { return Identifier.quote(id) } }
Next we instruct hibernate to enclose all names by double quote:
spring: jpa: hibernate: naming: physical-strategy: com.billie.payment.config.jooq.QuotedIdentifiersNamingStrategy properties: hibernate: globally_quoted_identifiers: true type: EnumType: STRING
Test Cases
Set the stage in our test:
1@SpringBootTest 2class RepositoryTest { 3 4 @Autowired 5 private lateinit var orderMobileJpaRepository: OrderMobileJpaRepository 6 7 @Autowired 8 private lateinit var orderJpaRepository: OrderJpaRepository 9 10 init { 11 System.setProperty("", "uat,james_db_and_james_stripe") 12 }
Test if we are abole to persist an entity:
14 @Test 15 fun `repository save`() { 16 val orderEntity = OrderEntity(useremail = "") 17 orderEntity.ordertype = Ordertype.MOBILE 18 19 val orderMobileEntity = OrderMobileEntity(orderid =!!, 20 period = Period.MONTHLY, 21 platform = Platform.IOS, 22 originalappuserid = "123", 23 useremail = orderEntity.useremail) 24 25}
Test if the "back-reference" works, and test if the domain event can be caught by @EventListener
39 @Test 40 fun `repository get`() { 41 val orderEntity = orderJpaRepository.findByIdOrNull(UUID.fromString("77d8fd43-b780-4116-9b8e-dc4d032a3754")) 42 val orderMobileEntity = orderEntity?.orderMobile 43 val theParentEntity = orderMobileEntity?.orderEntity // this is the same as orderEntity in the first line 44 theParentEntity?.updateOrderSucceededInfo() 45!!) // successfully dispatch an event and we get the event from event handler 46 47 println(orderMobileEntity) 48 println(theParentEntity) 49 } 50}
Example of Adding Domain Behaviour and How it Actually Works with Our Controller
The Entity Class
data class SeatSummaryCountedEvent( val entity: QuotaSeatCounterEntity, ) @Entity @DynamicInsert @Table(name = "Quota_UsageCounter", schema = "public") class QuotaSeatCounterEntity( override var seatid: Int, override var audioused: Double, override var duedate: Double, override var startdate: Double, ) : IDomainModel, QuotaUsagecounterPreEntity( seatid = seatid, audioused = audioused, duedate = duedate, startdate = startdate ) { @Transient override var domainEvents: MutableList<Any>? = null @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "seatId", referencedColumnName = "id", insertable = false, updatable = false) @JsonBackReference var seat: QuotaSeatEntity? = null fun increaseSummaryCount() { this.summarygenerated = (this.summarygenerated ?: 0) + 1 val event = SeatSummaryCountedEvent(this) registerEvent(event) } }
The Controller Method
The highlighted demonstrates the state change can be managemented by the entity itself.
In the past without ORM we have to handle state change in eventListener. With ORM we can now arrange all the in-memory change, and let
figure out and persist the changes
. -
will look at the member annotated by@DomainEvents
, then dispatch each event synchronously viaApplicationEventPublisher
@PostMapping("/increase-summary-count") fun increaseSummaryCount(@RequestBody reduceQuotaDto: IncreaseSummaryCountRequest): Response.Success<IncreaseSummaryCountResponse> { val user = UserContext.instance.getUser() val (counterId) = reduceQuotaDto if (counterId == null) { val freeQuota = freeQuotaJpaRepository.findByUseremail( ?: throw Exception("free quota has not created") freeQuota.increaseSummaryCount() } val counter = seatCounterJpaRepository.findByIdOrNull(counterId) ?: throw Exception("counter not found") counter.increaseSummaryCount() return Response.Success(result = IncreaseSummaryCountResponse(counterId)) }
Therefore when we execute
method, we are actually doing:
Persist the state change
Notify all domains which is interested in the
To play safe just list out all the packages where our entity class live in.
@EntityScan(basePackages = [ "com.billie.db", "com.billie.payment" ]) class PaymentApplication { ... }