Queues Fundamentals
// Service A (Producer) async function serviceA() { const channel = await connection.createChannel(); await channel.assertExchange('orders_exchange', 'topic'); // Only publishes, doesn't need to know about queues channel.publish('orders_exchange', 'order.created', Buffer.from('new order')); } // Service B (Consumer) async function serviceB() { const channel = await connection.createChannel(); await channel.assertExchange('orders_exchange', 'topic'); await channel.assertQueue('order_processing_queue'); await channel.bindQueue('order_processing_queue', 'orders_exchange', 'order.created'); channel.consume('order_processing_queue', msg => { // Process order }); }
Queues Structure
File Structure
Let's explore these files one by one.
import amqplib, { Channel, Replies } from "amqplib"; import logger from "../util/logger"; import QueueName from "./QueueName"; import queueBinding from "./queueBinding"; const AMQP_URL = process.env.AMQP_URL || "" export const NORMAL_EXCHANGE = "Billie" export const GENERAL_DEAD_EXCHANGE = "GENERAL_DEAD_EXCHANGE" const Q_CAPACITY = Number(process.env.Q_CAPACITY || "10"); type ChannelRef = { current: Channel | null }; const llmTaskChannelRef: ChannelRef = { current: null }; const normalTaskChanenlRef: ChannelRef = { current: null }; const getLLMTaskChannel = () => llmTaskChannelRef.current; const getNormalTaskChannel = () => normalTaskChanenlRef.current; const queues: { [k in QueueName]?: Replies.AssertQueue } = {}; const getQueue = (queueName: QueueName) => queues?.[queueName]; const initChannels = async (consumptions: (() => void)[]) => { // create channels const connection = await amqplib.connect(AMQP_URL); const llmTaskChannel = await connection.createChannel(); const normalTaskChannel = await connection.createChannel(); llmTaskChannel.prefetch(Q_CAPACITY); llmTaskChannelRef.current = llmTaskChannel; normalTaskChanenlRef.current = normalTaskChannel; try { await llmTaskChannel.assertExchange(NORMAL_EXCHANGE, "direct", { durable: true }); await llmTaskChannel.assertExchange(GENERAL_DEAD_EXCHANGE, "direct", { durable: true }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } await queueBinding({ queues, llmTaskChannel, normalTaskChannel }); for (const consumption of consumptions) { consumption(); } logger.info("Channels Inited") } export default { getQueue, getLLMTaskChannel, getNormalTaskChannel, initChannels }
- Here
are the most important components of our queue system.
import { Channel, Replies } from "amqplib"; import QueueName from "./QueueName"; import RoutingKey from "./RoutingKey"; import { GENERAL_DEAD_EXCHANGE, NORMAL_EXCHANGE } from "./channels"; const SNOOZE_PIN_TTL = Number(process.env.SNOOZE_PIN_TTL || "604800000"); type KeyBindingConfig<Q, R> = { queueName: Q routingKey: R, channel: Channel, exchange: string, deadLetter?: { deadLetterExchange?: string, deadLetterRoutingKey?: R, messageTtl?: number } } const bind = async ( queues: { [key in QueueName]?: Replies.AssertQueue }, config: KeyBindingConfig<QueueName, RoutingKey> ) => { const { channel, queueName, exchange, routingKey, deadLetter = {} } = config; const q = await channel.assertQueue(queueName, { durable: true, ...deadLetter }); queues[queueName] = q; await channel.bindQueue(queueName, exchange, routingKey); } const queueBinding = async (args: { queues: { [key in QueueName]?: Replies.AssertQueue }, llmTaskChannel: Channel, normalTaskChannel: Channel }) => { const { queues, llmTaskChannel, normalTaskChannel } = args; const queueConfigs: KeyBindingConfig<QueueName, RoutingKey>[] = [ { queueName: QueueName.LLM_SUMMARY_STEP, routingKey: RoutingKey.LLM_SUMMARY_STEP, channel: llmTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE }, { queueName: QueueName.LLM_TRANSLATION_STEP, routingKey: RoutingKey.LLM_TRANSLATION_STEP, channel: llmTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE }, { queueName: QueueName.LLM_REPLY_STEP, routingKey: RoutingKey.LLM_REPLY_STEP, channel: llmTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE }, { queueName: QueueName.SNOOZE_AND_PIN, routingKey: RoutingKey.SNOOZE_AND_PIN, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE, deadLetter: { deadLetterExchange: GENERAL_DEAD_EXCHANGE, deadLetterRoutingKey: RoutingKey.SNOOZE_AND_PIN_DEAD_LETTER, messageTtl: SNOOZE_PIN_TTL } }, { queueName: QueueName.SNOOZE_AND_PIN_DEAD_LETTER, routingKey: RoutingKey.SNOOZE_AND_PIN_DEAD_LETTER, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: GENERAL_DEAD_EXCHANGE, }, { queueName: QueueName.INSERT_ALGOLIOA, routingKey: RoutingKey.INSERT_ALGOLIOA, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE, }, { queueName: QueueName.UPDATE_ALGOLIA, routingKey: RoutingKey.UPDATE_ALGOLIA, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE, }, { queueName: QueueName.FLASK_EXCEL_GENERATION, routingKey: RoutingKey.FLASK_EXCEL_GENERATION, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE, }, { queueName: QueueName.EXPORT_REPORT, routingKey: RoutingKey.EXPORT_REPORT, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE, }, { queueName: QueueName.LLM_USAGE_LOG, routingKey: RoutingKey.LLM_USAGE_LOG, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE }, { queueName: QueueName.LLM_IMPACT_UPDATE, routingKey: RoutingKey.LLM_IMPACT_UPDATE, channel: normalTaskChannel, exchange: NORMAL_EXCHANGE } ] for (const queueConfig of queueConfigs) { await bind(queues, queueConfig); } } export default queueBinding;
import llmSummaryQueue from "./llmSummaryQueue"; import algoliaUpdateQueue from "./algoliaUpdateQueue"; import excelGenReqToFlaskQueue from "./excelGenReqToFlaskQueue"; import llmReplyQueue from "./llmReplyQueues"; import llmTranslationQueue from "./llmTranslationQueue"; import llmUsageLogQueue from "./llmUsageLogQueues"; import snoozeAndPinDeadLetterQueue from "./snoozeAndPinDeadLetterQueue"; import snoozeAndPinQueue from "./snoozeAndPinQueue"; import llmImpactUpdateQueue from "./llmImpactUpdateQueue"; export default [ algoliaUpdateQueue.initConsumption, excelGenReqToFlaskQueue.initConsumption, llmReplyQueue.initConsumption, llmSummaryQueue.initConsumption, llmTranslationQueue.initConsumption, llmUsageLogQueue.initConsumption, snoozeAndPinDeadLetterQueue.initConsumption, // snoozeAndPinQueue.initConsumption, <---- don't add this llmImpactUpdateQueue.initConsumption, ];
is a method of our custom MessageQueue
class which simplify our code by templating the boilerplate code:
MessageQueue Class (model/MessageQueue.ts)
import { Channel } from "amqplib"; import { MessageErrorModel } from "../../db/mongo/models/MessageErrorLog"; import gmailService from "../../service/gmailService"; import logger from "../../util/logger"; import QueueName from "../QueueName"; import RoutingKey from "../RoutingKey"; import channels, { NORMAL_EXCHANGE } from "../channels"; const ERROR_EMAIL_RECEIVER = process.env.ERROR_EMAIL_RECEIVER; const env = process.env.env; export default class MessageQueue<MessageType> { private queueName: QueueName; private routingKey: RoutingKey; private channel: () => (Channel | null); private exchange = NORMAL_EXCHANGE; public consumption?: (decoded: MessageType) => void | Promise<void>; constructor(args: { queueName: QueueName, routingKey: RoutingKey, channel: () => (Channel | null), consumption?: (decoded: MessageType) => void | Promise<void>, exchange?: string }) { const { exchange = NORMAL_EXCHANGE } = args this.queueName = args.queueName; this.routingKey = args.routingKey; this.channel = args.channel; this.consumption = args.consumption; this.exchange = exchange; } public publish = (msg: MessageType) => { const refinedMsg = msg as MessageType & { routingKey: RoutingKey }; refinedMsg.routingKey = this.routingKey; const msg_ = JSON.stringify(refinedMsg); this.channel()?.publish( this.exchange, this.routingKey, Buffer.from(msg_) ); } public initConsumption = () => { const q = channels.getQueue(this.queueName); if (!this.channel()) { throw new Error(`llmTaskChannel cannot be established`); } if (!q) { throw new Error(` q: ${this.routingKey} cannot be established`); } this.channel()?.consume(q.queue, (msg) => { const msg_ = msg?.content.toString(); const decodedMsg: MessageType = JSON.parse(msg_ || '{ "message": "msg_ is null" }'); if (!msg?.content) { logger.info("null message"); return; } try { logger.info(`[${this.routingKey}]: processing msg ${msg_}`) const result = this.consumption?.(decodedMsg); if (result instanceof Promise) { // synchronous call cannot catch the error thrown inside a promise. result .then(() => { this.channel()?.ack(msg); }).catch(err => { const errorLog = new MessageErrorModel({ msg: { err: err?.message || "", step: (decodedMsg as { routingKey?: string }).routingKey || "", param: decodedMsg } }) gmailService.sendEmail({ to: ERROR_EMAIL_RECEIVER || "", html: `<div> <div>Error Message: <p/> <div> ${JSON.stringify(decodedMsg, null, 2)} </div> <p>The same message is also logged in mongodb.</p> </div>`, subject: `Error message from ${env?.toUpperCase()} environment`, text: `Error message from ${env?.toUpperCase()} environment` }) errorLog.save().then(() => { this.channel()?.nack(msg, false, false); }) }); } else { this.channel()?.ack(msg); } } catch (err) { const errorLog = new MessageErrorModel({ msg: { err: (err as { message?: string })?.message || "", step: (decodedMsg as { routingKey?: string }).routingKey || "", param: decodedMsg } }) gmailService.sendEmail({ to: ERROR_EMAIL_RECEIVER || "", html: `<div> <div>Error Message: <p/> <div> ${JSON.stringify(decodedMsg, null, 2)} </div> <p>The same message is also logged in mongodb.</p> </div>`, subject: `Error message from ${env?.toUpperCase()} environment`, text: `Error message from ${env?.toUpperCase()} environment` }) errorLog.save().then(() => { this.channel()?.nack(msg, false, false); }) } }, { noAck: false }); } }
- Here the
logic seems a bit repetitive. - But note that a normal
would not catch the error thrown inside a promise, therefore we need to repeatedly catch the error. - Here we reject a message by either throwing an error explicitly (for example, we might want to try catch to execute custom logging logic, and then throw the error again)
- or by letting the program throw any error.
Example of Queues
Note that by using MessageQueue
class we can pay all our attention to writing consumption
Normal Task Queue
import LLMStatus from "../../constants/LLMStatus"; import { db } from "../../db/kysely/database"; import { MessageErrorModel } from "../../db/mongo/models/MessageErrorLog"; import { SummaryLangChoice } from "../../dto/dto"; import chatService from "../../service/chatService"; import RedisUtil from "../../util/RedisUtil"; import QueueName from "../QueueName"; import RoutingKey from "../RoutingKey"; import channels from "../channels"; import MessageQueue from "../model/MessageQueue"; const llmTaskChannel = () => channels.getLLMTaskChannel(); const excelGenReqToFlaskQueue = new MessageQueue<{ roomId: string, lang: SummaryLangChoice }>({ channel: llmTaskChannel, queueName: QueueName.FLASK_EXCEL_GENERATION, routingKey: RoutingKey.FLASK_EXCEL_GENERATION, consumption: async (decoded) => { const { lang, roomId } = decoded; try { await chatService.dispatchExcelGenerationTaskToFlask(roomId, lang); await RedisUtil.setLLMStatus(roomId, LLMStatus.FINISHED); } catch (err) { const errorLog = new MessageErrorModel({ msg: { err: err, step: "excelGenReqToFlaskQueue", param: decoded } }) // only session will use this excel generation function await db.updateTable("MessagesSession") .set({ isLiveEnded: false }).where("MessagesSession.id", "=", roomId).execute(); await errorLog.save(); RedisUtil.setLLMStatus(roomId, LLMStatus.FAILED); throw err; } } }) export default excelGenReqToFlaskQueue;
Dead-Letter Queues
Note that this queue is supposed to be a delayed task queue, no consumption should be inited. Otherwise we have to at least ack
, nack
, reject
which violates our purpose to let the message expire automatically.
import { SnoozeAndPinMessage } from "../../dto/dto"; import QueueName from "../QueueName"; import RoutingKey from "../RoutingKey"; import channels from "../channels"; import MessageQueue from "../model/MessageQueue"; const normalTaskChannel = () => channels.getNormalTaskChannel(); const snoozeAndPinQueue = new MessageQueue<SnoozeAndPinMessage> ({ channel: normalTaskChannel, queueName: QueueName.SNOOZE_AND_PIN, routingKey: RoutingKey.SNOOZE_AND_PIN, }); export default snoozeAndPinQueue;
Here we have leave the consumption
field empty and we have not put it inside the list of consumptions.ts
According to our configuration in queueBinding.ts
ms, the message from QueueName.SNOOZE_AND_PIN
will be redirected to RoutingKey.SNOOZE_AND_PIN_DEAD_LETTER
import nonDraftsCache from "../../caching/nonDraftsCache"; import { db } from "../../db/kysely/database"; import { SnoozeAndPinMessage } from "../../dto/dto"; import QueueName from "../QueueName"; import RoutingKey from "../RoutingKey"; import channels from "../channels"; import MessageQueue from "../model/MessageQueue"; const normalTaskChannel = () => channels.getNormalTaskChannel(); const snoozeAndPinDeadLetterQueue = new MessageQueue<SnoozeAndPinMessage>({ channel: normalTaskChannel, queueName: QueueName.SNOOZE_AND_PIN_DEAD_LETTER, routingKey: RoutingKey.SNOOZE_AND_PIN_DEAD_LETTER, consumption: async (decoded) => { const { sessionId, channelId, isAdmin } = decoded; await db.updateTable("MessagesSession") .set({ prioritizedOrSnoozedAt: 0, sortingTimestamp: eb => eb.selectFrom("MessagesSession as NewSession") .select("NewSession.createdAt") .where("NewSession.id", "=", sessionId) }) .where("MessagesSession.id", "=", sessionId) .execute(); const { customClearCache } = nonDraftsCache.setCacheKey({ channelId, isAdmin }); await customClearCache(); } }); export default snoozeAndPinDeadLetterQueue;